What To Expect - IPTA September 2016/2017 Intake

bonjour! 1st of all, here i’ll point out "things" that every 1st year student will experience on their first day of lectures . i only point out my opinion based on my experience in UNIMAS and might not apply to any university or IPTA in Malaysia.

1.lost Direction.
yes. on your 1st day class, u might wondering around without any clue where is class being held, where is the lecture hall, the lab, the computer lab, library, where is the office, and you will find difficulties finding them. One important advice for you,  wakeup and go early as 2hour before class. never afraid to ask senior, they are friendly to new student and will gladly help you if u need it.
2.Name Tag
on your 1st day class. every senior will watch over every new student. they will analyze the different between junior versus senior. one of the things that really clear and different between senior and junior is the name tag. u will see almost none among senior that will use name tag. its true that name tag is important to differentiate student and outsider. But most unimas student only use their name tag when they need to. for example, to the library(Cais) seeing lecturer, Office or when they are doing presentation.
(but it is clear that we need to always use our name tag)
3.Formal Attire
this same as name tag situation. But as far as i remember, every new student will get the notice in their orientation week that they need to use formal or at least casual when they attend classes,  but after at least 1 week , i strongly believe you will end up wearing t-shirt+jeans to class.
(just so you know, Malaysia were blessed with tropical season. please don't follow what the liaison officer/Lo said on your orientation week, or else you'll get to class with a wet shirt. remember, your first day, u will walk a lot and its hottttt
4.Student from Peninsular Malaysia mentality.
this happen every year and almost all the time, and some of 1st year student from peninsular will always have the mentality how rural the Borneo is. i still remember when i heard my friend said. before she came to Sarawak, she thought that people in Sarawak still use cawat. seriously?
and coming to borneo is same as studying abroad or oversea . ya la, "borneo is over the sea"  and they need to apply for DPT when they want stay in borneo-sabah sarawak
(But this only temporary, this only apply to people who katak bawah tempurung)
5. Every Student Mingle around, and there is no grouping, or berpuak-puak,
This also last for the 1/2 week, or even 1month. after the period, every student will start talk with their own group, with same ethnicity or race, same nationality, same state, or anything. yes its sad but don't worry. This is normal. but keep in mind. this doesn't mean that it is  racism. but its just about being good, and comfortable.
(just talk with everyone, sometime you will meet a lot of good people, and realize how small the world is.)
just so you know, this is only personal opinion. and i think it is a good thing to be shared. :)
