Why I Hate Spending Time on Facebook

image from www.dailymail.co.uk
This is just my personal opinion. But as i concern, what you show people will determine how people see u as a person. this all about first impression. Moreover. this not only apply to new friends/ or stranger, but also apply to your current friend, everyone around you everyday. In addition, do you ever heard about employer searching for their candidates Facebook Profile just to know what type of person they are? no? but it exist.  and i might do it too.
But lets I share to you what i think its important so that you take notice about it.
1.useless junk and video - I  understand this is  a part of self pleasure.  And it's not a crime to enjoy yourself with some funny video.
2. Reliable source.
 From what I see in Facebook. There is alot of people keep sharing, re-post a post without any idea what it is.  I bet most of your shared something by looking at the title of the post.  Either it is something that spread hatred, self proud, or politically.  Its not wrong, but if we are going to share something,  make sure you are total understood by that post.  Or at least read it from the source. To be able to use internet@ Facebook wisely.  You must at least internet literate- not only know how to use, but know how to differentiate whether it is reliable, is this usefully,  and most importantly didn't promote hatred among your audience.
3. People use Facebook to promote their self"Attention Seeker".
 Again,  this is only my opinion.  Its not wrong to promote yourself if you are public figure,  businessman/moment,  or event advertiser.  Here's why I think it is inappropriate,
  •  You are not public figure,  people simply don't care if you do something.  Unless it is something remarkable,  self accomplishment(you should get some praise). Back to topic.  For example,  people keep posting their selfie, again this is not wrong. But don't you have other things to do?  Your timeline full with selfie. Is it what you do everyday?   Another one,  if you well trying to post something such as you are doing workout,  why you keep posting it?  Is to keep reminding people that you are doing workout? Is it abnormal?  Just so you know,  workout is normal.  Its enough telling people on social media you are going to the gym, but if it is every day, week, month.  Tell me.  What the purpose of it?
4.nothing useful on your news feed
But just keep in mind that you're going to be judged on what you put out there, and you can present an overall positive picture just as easily as you can present a negative one.

5.Over-posters: These guys use Facebook like Twitter. They keep posting at every few minutes or hours and sometimes silliest things like I just ate a burger, then new status will be now I am eating fries, etc.

 I will admit it I judge everything. I judge how often they update statuses, how well they can spell and use grammar, how many selfies they take etc...
  • If they update status while I know they are working I think it must be nice to get paid to update facebook all day.
  • If they post a bunch of selfies then I think they are narcissists.  
  • If all they do is post things they find somewhere else then I think they are incapable of original thought.
Facebook is like a soap opera that updates every 5 minutes.
